Awami National Conference (ANC) today requested prime minister Manmohan Singh to hold meaningful talks with separatists and militants in Jammu and Kashmir during his upcoming visit to Kashmir."The prime minister needs to keep doors wide open for talks with militants and separatists to end uncertainty in Jammu and Kashmir and for ensuring lasting peace in the region," senior ANC leader Ghulam Qadir Wani told reporters.


ANC leaders S Joginder Singh Rana and A G Naseem Ranasaid the prime minister had visited the state a number oftimes in the past, "but except packages no core issues facingthe state were addressed so as to find a solution".Uncertainty, turmoil and mistrust were the main issues which need to be addressed on a priority basis, they added. 

On the recent visit of UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi to the state, the ANC leaders claimed she did not take up issues like problem of unemployment among educated youth and steps being taken for restoration of peace in the state.Lashing out at the NC-Congress government in the state, Naseem Rana claimed day-to-day problems of common people were increasing with non-availability of water and electricity inseveral areas and also shortage of fertilizers and seeds tothe farming community.