CBI has arrested two persons including a senior manager of Bank of Baroda for allegedly sanctioning housing loans worth Rs1.11 cr on the basis of fake documents in Haldwani town of Nainital district.
      Senior bank manager NC Arya and his agent friend Sher Singh Nayal were arrested yesterday after CBI found the charges against the duo correct during investigations, CBI sources said here.
      Arya and Nayal had opened 10 accounts with fake identity in the main branch of the bank in Haldwani town in 2007 and later sanctioned housing loans to them worth Rs1.11 crore enclosing fake documents with their applicaton.
      The scam came to light when none of the account holders repaid their instalment. Later, an in-house inquiry revealed that not only the identity of the account holders and the documents enclosed with the applications were fake but also the properties against which the loan was passed was nowhere on ground and Arya had done this with the help of Nayal.
      Later, a case against the two was lodged with the CBI which conducted investigations and arrested them.
      The duo were produced before a special CBI judge Narendra Dutt who sent them to 14 days' in judicial custody.