But don’t worry, in this complete guide We are going to tell you everything you need to know so that you can make the best decision on a beginner SARMs cycle that fits your needs.


We will cover androgenic SARMs, and other bodybuilding chemicals which aren’t SARMs at all. We will cover bulking, cutting, and strength building stacks, and how to make them beginner friendly.

Plus, We’ll talk about PCT, minimizing risks and side effects, and also where to buy high-purity SARMs.

If you’d like to check out the SARMs before you get started, you can here:

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First Thing To Know: Androgenic SARMs Vs Related Bodybuilding Chemicals

SARMs are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. That means that they target androgen receptors selectively in muscle and bone tissue to mimic the signals of testosterone, leading to stronger and larger muscle growth, and denser bones.

But not all chemicals called SARMs are not SARMs at all. They are conveniently dumped in with them for marketing purposes.

These are the alternative chemicals which are not androgenic at all:

  • YK-11 Myostatin
  • MK-677 Ibutamoren
  • GW-501516 Cardarine
  • SR-9009 Stenabolic

Note that there are lots of derivatives of these basic research chemicals, things like GW-0742 and SR-9011. Although they differ in a very minor way to the main ones listed above in chemical structure, they work the same as the main ones above, just use the names as clues.

YK-11 can work as a partial agonist of the androgen receptor though. At high doses, or stacked with androgenic SARMs, it can help to deplete testosterone, so be careful with that.

These are the SARMs which are actually androgenic in the way they work:

  • MK-2866 Ostarine
  • RAD-140 Testolone
  • S-23
  • S-4 Andarine
  • LGD-4033 Ligandrol

Although they all have slightly different strengths and differences in the way they work at the androgen receptor, they all do basically the same. They mimic testosterone which affects muscle tissue growth.

We’ll mention Ostarine, because many people claim it isn’t androgenic. It’s the classic androgenic SARM in truth, but it’s very mild. At low doses you’ll never notice testosterone depletion, but at doses above 50 mg of so, it can lead to a depletion in your natural production so bear that in mind.

The Importance Of PCT After SARMs

All you could blasting the body with high doses of androgenic SARMs, you have to understand what PCT is and why it’s so important.

Post cycle therapy uses one or more chemicals that can help your body to minimize levels of estrogen, and maximize levels of testosterone.

Androgenic SARMs deplete your natural testosterone production, because they mimic testosterone. In response, your body lowers its actual production, sometimes to zero. So make sure you have PCT supplements to hand. Nolvadex, Clomid, anastrozole, raloxifene, are all essential tools that you need in your armory before you start your first SARMs cycle.

Note that in this guide I won’t recommend Ligandrol to you. It’s comparable to Testolone in terms of its strength, but is more suppressive. So many new people have got caught out when using it even at moderate doses of 10 mg or less, and found that within a month they can barely continue.

What’s Your Goal? Having A Clear Goal Helps You Choose A SARMs Stack To Use

Just looking for the best SARMs stack for beginners doesn’t mean much on its own, you also have to know what you want to achieve.

Are you looking to bulk, cut, or build your strength and endurance? Once you know, then you can get the stack you need. Another part of your goal planning has to be being ready for hard work and learning about nutrition.

It’s also important  to tell you that SARMs aren’t miracle potions, they certainly aren’t as potent as steroids (or as dangerous). You’ll need to push yourself harder, and in more ways. You’ll need to do cardio, and you’ll need to have fantastic nutrition in place, whether you are bulking or cutting.

If you are a true beginner, just starting on a bodybuilding journey, then you shouldn’t be looking at SARMs at all at this point.

But if you are at the stage where your natural bodybuilding is stalling, even with progressive overload and good nutrition, then a single SARM, or moderate stack, experiment is definitely going to take things up another level for you with relatively little risk as long as you understand minimizing androgenic SARMs intake.

A Great Strategy Is Starting With A Single SARM

As a beginner, if you’re looking for the safest SARM, and you are really not sure where to go with this but want to try, then start with a single SARM rather than worrying about stacks.

These are the beginners single SARMs we’d recommend you use the following purposes:

  1. Use Ostarine if you want to cut fat. At a dose of around 30 mg, along with hard work and a calorie deficit, it will protect your muscle mass, gain more energy, and cut more fat than you can achieve naturally.
  2. Use about 20 mg of Cardarine if you want to have dramatically increased levels of energy. This is good for building endurance, pumping muscles naturally, and cutting fat.
  3. If you want to sculpt your existing muscle tone and a moderate dose of around 20 mg of Andarine will do wonders for your physique over about six or eight weeks, hardening, sculpting, and increasing the density of your existing muscle tone. Note that at around this dose level though you will need a small dose of PCT (mild dose of Nolvadex).

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Best SARMs Stack For Beginners: Bulking

If you’re looking for potent bulking SARMs that don’t massively deplete your testosterone, and give you good results, then this is a great SARMs stack for beginners to use to build muscle tone:

  • 10 mg RAD-140
  • 20 mg MK-677
  • 10 mg GW-501516
  • 8 week cycle

If you want something completely non-androgenic that does basically the same, then switch out the RAD-140 for YK-11. However, that’s going to give you larger but softer gains.

What you’re looking to do here is underpin an androgenic SARM with a non-androgenic muscle builder (MK-677 or YK-11), and then underpin the whole lot with an energy builder.

The main thing to worry about is a beginner is keeping the androgenic dose low. You need to see how your body will react, because depleting your testosterone rapidly can feel absolutely awful and take weeks to recover from.

If you’re looking for something a little more potent, but still doesn’t completely deplete your testosterone, then this is a great alternative stack:

  • 10 mg S-23
  • 10 mg YK-11
  • 20 mg MK-677
  • 20 mg SR-9009
  • 8 Week cycle

You’re still only using one androgenic chemical. S-23 is potent though, the most potent of the androgenic SARMs, with incredible anabolic ratio far higher than human testosterone. Use it sparingly and watch your body’s response carefully.

MK-677 builds energy, raises appetite, and increases muscle mass significantly. Watch out for the increase in appetite though, because unless you are eating the right things then it can lead to unwanted weight that is then tough to get rid of.

>>>>> Click Here To Buy High Purity SARMs <<<<<

Best SARMs Stack For Cutting

Let’s talk about the best beginners SARMs stack for cutting now. Same thing applies here guys, minimize the androgenic SARMs until you know how your body responds to them.

For cutting, you have to burn energy and minimize your calorie intake. So you’re going to have to have good nutrition, you can’t just wing it every day, you have to have a meal plan.

Your workouts have also got to be tailored towards burning calories. Don’t worry about big pumps, you’re looking at cardio, high reps, and just spending as much time burning those calories as possible.

Here’s a great beginners cutting stack:

  • 30mg MK-2866 Ostarine
  • 20 mg GW-501516 Cardarine
  • 10 week cycle

This is a great beginners cutting stack because it only contains a moderate dose of Ostarine, so it won’t deplete your testosterone levels.

Within this dosage range, Ostarine will not only protect your gains, but it will also give you energy. So it’s great for maintaining tone in a calorie deficit and stopping you from feeling tired.

Cardarine at 20 mg per day is a strong dose. It will keep you going like rocket fuel for your workouts. You’ll be able to push yourself to burn far more calories than you ever could naturally.

If you want to increase things slightly, then you could switch out the Ostarine for Andarine. Andarine is a very similar structure and is just more potent than Ostarine. At around 20 mg, you’ll feel the same as with Ostarine, but you will also get muscle sculpting and hardening even in a calorie deficit.

Best SARMs Stack For Building Endurance

Especially in the beginning, you might think that cutting and bulking aren’t really the most important thing. It can be most vital to build up the strength and endurance levels to then push on to do a full cutting or bulking stack.

If you haven’t got the strength to carry this through for up to 10 weeks, then you won’t get the most out of the bulking or cutting cycles that you do. Certainly a beginner SARM cycle won’t be its most effective and less you have the strength to complete it.

So it may be that you need to do a cycle to build strength, work on nutrition, and get your routines and focus in place. This is a great stack to use while you work on all that:

  • 20 mg Cardarine
  • 10 mg Ostarine
  • 10 mg YK-11
  • 10 week cycle

What this does is give you huge amounts of energy. The Ostarine will also protect you if your diet isn’t covering the energy you spend, and it will even give you a little more energy.

The moderate dose of YK-11 will help to strengthen and grow your overall muscle tone a little, while also increasing your general strength and energy output levels.

Best Places To Buy High-Purity SARMs

Due to the pandemic and the ceasing of export of SARMs from China, their availability has pretty much dried up.

That means prices are going up, and quality is going down. You’ve also got less choice of places to buy from. For a beginner it can be confusing because you will read about certain types of SARMs, and then you won’t be able to get them.

But don’t worry, there are similar SARMs which are pretty much the same. For example GW-501516 Cardarine is identical to GW-0742, while SR-9011 is the same as SR-9009. The clue is in the alphanumeric name, and use those as your guide.

We would recommend you to always buy SARMs that are high quality and tested. Our recommendation is Chemyo.

Chemyo is a great company who are the only ones who sell 50 mL dropper bottles of SARMs liquid, rather than the standard 30 mL dropper bottles. This can mean you get a little more SARMs for your money, but you have to work it out for each individual purchase to see if you gain or not.

Chemyo do a great range of SARMs liquid that is ready to use. As example on price, a 50 mL bottle of RAD-150 (Yep, identical to RAD-140) dosed at 10 mg/mL, will set you back $79.99.

>>>>> Click Here To Buy High Purity Chemyo SARMs <<<<<

(This article is part of DMCL Consumer Connect Initiative, a paid publication programme. DMCL claims no editorial involvement and assumes no responsibility, liability or claims for any errors or omissions in the content of the article. The DMCL Editorial team is not responsible for this content.)