In an era marked by globalization and interconnectivity, the concept of studying abroad has burgeoned into a formidable trend among aspiring scholars and professionals worldwide. The allure of an international education extends beyond the academic rigor; it is an invitation to a transformative experience that promises a melange of cultural exposure, diverse pedagogical frameworks, and personal growth. Over the years, the popularity of studying abroad has seen a significant uptick. According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, the number of students studying abroad has increased from 2 million in 2000 to 6 million in 2023,reflecting a growing recognition of the multifaceted benefits that come with an overseas education.


The allure of studying abroad is further magnified by its potential to significantly boost personal and professional development. It offers a unique convergence of learning, adaptability, and networking, which are pivotal in honing a competitive edge in the global job market. The experience of navigating through the nuances of a foreign culture, along with the academic rigor of international institutions, cultivates a rich soil for developing critical life and career skills. These skills not only enrich a student's perspective but also significantly enhance employability, making the pursuit of education abroad a judicious investment toward a prosperous career trajectory. Through this kaleidoscope, students are not merely earning a degree but are embarking on a journey of self-discovery, global awareness, and professional empowerment.

Benefits of Studying Abroad

Global Perspective

Embarking on an educational journey abroad immerses students in a milieu of diverse cultures and perspectives. This immersion fosters a global mindset, enabling individuals to appreciate and navigate the complexities of different cultural paradigms. According to the Institute of International Education (IIE), students with international exposure are better positioned to address contemporary global challenges owing to their nuanced understanding of cultural variances. The kaleidoscopic cultural experiences encountered abroad cultivate a broader worldview, enhancing the individual's ability to think critically and creatively in an interconnected global arena. This global perspective is invaluable in today’s workforce, where employers increasingly value the ability to understand and operate within multiple cultural and geopolitical contexts.

Improved Communication Skills

Studying abroad presents a golden opportunity for individuals to learn new languages and hone their cross-cultural communication skills. The necessity to communicate effectively in a new linguistic and cultural environment fosters a steep learning curve in language acquisition and intercultural communication. According to a survey by the University of California, 97% of study abroad students reported that the experience enhanced their communication skills. This enhancement is not confined to linguistic proficiency alone but extends to non-verbal communication and the ability to interpret unspoken cultural nuances. Such skills are indispensable in a globalized job market, where the ability to communicate across cultures is often as critical as job-specific skills.


The international environment of studying abroad serves as a fertile ground for networking and building lifelong relationships with people from around the globe. The relationships forged in the crucible of shared academic and cultural experiences often translate into a robust global network of professionals. According to LinkedIn, individuals with international education have a 35% larger professional network compared to those without such experiences. This network can provide access to job opportunities and professional collaborations across borders, opening doors to global job markets. Furthermore, the global alumni networks of many international institutions act as a conduit for professional connections, providing a solid platform for career development and global mobility.

Personal Growth

The odyssey of studying abroad invariably catalyzes profound personal growth. Facing the challenges inherent in adapting to a new culture, navigating a foreign academic system, and managing life away from familiar support systems fosters traits of independence, resilience, and adaptability. These traits are honed in the crucible of overcoming daily challenges, from language barriers to understanding diverse academic expectations. The experience of studying abroad acts as a catalyst for personal development, fostering a sense of self-reliance and confidence that is instrumental in personal and professional spheres. This transformative journey not only broadens students' horizons but also imbues them with a resilient character and an adaptable mindset, attributes that are increasingly sought after in today’s dynamic and globalized job market.

Enhanced Employability

The allure of international education is significantly accentuated by the prospect of enhanced employability. Numerous studies underscore the positive correlation between studying abroad and improved job prospects. According to a report by the Institute of International Education (IIE), 73% of employers consider study abroad experience to be important in the hiring process. This statistic encapsulates the premium placed on global exposure and diverse skill set accrued through international education.

Moreover, a survey conducted by the University of California, Merced, found that 90% of study abroad alumni found their first job within six months of graduation, as opposed to the national average of 49%. The heightened employability is often attributed to the unique blend of soft skills, global perspective, and practical experience garnered through overseas education. These assets are highly valued in today’s global job market, enabling individuals with international educational experiences to stand out in a competitive landscape and accelerate their career trajectory.

Great Learning's Study Abroad Programs

Overview of Great Learning

Great Learning is dedicated to providing top-notch education geared towards career advancement. Its mission is to bridge the academic and industry gap, preparing learners to excel in a competitive global job market.

Study Abroad Programs

Great Learning's Study Abroad programs are a gateway for students aiming to expand their academic and professional horizons internationally. A notable offering is the chance to pursue an MS in the USA. This program stands out due to its hybrid model, which combines online education with classroom experiences. This mix not only allows for flexible learning but also significantly reduces the cost, helping students save over 55+ Lakhs INR.

A standout feature of this program is the opportunity to secure a 3-year STEM OPT (Optional Practical Training) visa, allowing students to gain practical work experience in the US after completing the program. This feature enhances the program's appeal, opening up more career opportunities in the global market.

The program is made more accessible by removing common hurdles like the GRE or TOEFL exams, making it easier for a wider range of aspiring students to enroll.

Great Learning’s Study Abroad programs, highlighted by the MS in USA offering, go beyond academic learning; they are a pathway to global competence and better job prospects. With a hybrid curriculum, big cost savings, and the extended OPT visa benefit, all without the need for GRE or TOEFL, these programs are a smart choice for aspiring global professionals.

Final Remarks

Exploring education beyond borders, especially through programs like Great Learning's MS in the USA, unfolds a horizon of academic and professional enrichment. The hybrid structure of these programs, melding online with on-site learning, not only mirrors the modern-day flexibility in education but also significantly trims down the financial burden. The extended STEM OPT visa opportunity further amplifies the practical exposure in a global setting, making such programs a prudent step toward acquiring a well-rounded, international educational experience conducive to a promising career trajectory.

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