Plus, there are actually now better alternatives to SARMs that work brilliantly, and you may not need to risk your health and money at all. So, let’s talk you through everything you need to know about the best site to buy SARMs from right now, along with the problems of using SARMs, what the alternatives are, and what your best strategy for using them is.


The Big Question First: Are SARMs Still Safe To Use?

SARMs always had a poor safety profile, and I think it’s important you understand the risks upfront, because it helps you to understand what the best place to buy SARMs could be. Without this core information, you can’t make an informed decision.

These are the problems with SARMs:

  1. You simply don’t know what you are buying. They may have a purity report viewable, that’s linked to what you are buying, but you don’t know if it’s genuine or accurate.
  1. SARMs have never been through full human clinical trials for any purpose that has led to a marketable product. In fact, every single attempt to get SARMs to market for any purpose has failed due to issues with the trials.
  1. SARMs deplete testosterone. This can be permanent if you keep hammering away at your body, which is a pretty serious side effect.
  1. Some SARMs have been linked to organ damage, especially liver damage, and also cardiovascular damage. This makes them similar to steroids in that respect.
  1. There’s no dosage advice or usage advice that is proven by studies or trials. Therefore, you are literally throwing unknown research chemicals into your body at doses that are plucked out of the air.

How Do You Spot The Best SARMs Company?

Now you understand the issues, you can see what’s needed to tell you what the best SARMs company is.

The biggest thing you will be looking for is current batch testing. This will be done by verified third-party independent labs, with batch numbers matching the product so you know exactly what’s been tested, and therefore what’s in it.

The problem is that you have literally no way of proving any of that has happened, or is accurate.

This is the exact reason why I gave up on SARMs. I started getting liver problems, my blood pressure was sky high, my testosterone levels were declining faster they should have been for a man my age. That was after just two years of cyclic use.

Androgenic Vs Non-Androgenic SARMs

Actual SARMs are androgenic, meaning that they mimic the signals of testosterone and target those signals to androgen receptors in muscle tissue.

There are non-androgenic SARMs as well though, which actually aren’t SARMs at all but are called that for marketing purposes:

  • YK-11 (Myostatin inhibitor)
  • MK-677 (Ghrelin agonist)
  • SR-9009 (Rev-Erb-alpha agonist)
  • GW-501516 (PPAR delta modulator)

So as you can see, you could use all of those and not deplete your testosterone levels ever, which would also mean you don’t need PCT supplements.

However, each of those does have a significant effect on the body through their mechanisms of action, and we simply know nothing about the side effects either short-term, or long-term about using them.

Let’s Talk About PCT Supplements (The Elephant In The Room)

When people tell you about the problems with SARMs, or conversely how easy they are to use, they will sometimes briefly mention PCT.

Post cycle therapy is a catchall name for taking supplements after you have used SARMs that deplete your testosterone. The idea is that they work to encourage the body to produce more testosterone, and also suppress conversion to estrogen, or lower estrogen production.

This is usually done through the following:

  • SERMs like Clomid and Nolvadex
  • Aromatase Inhibitors like anastrozole
  • Natural PCT supplements (usually containing D-Aspartic Acid)

The problem is that the first two types are still chemicals licensed for other purposes. Plus, you’re not getting the licensed products, you’re getting grey market recreations, just like you are when you buy SARMs.

So the first problem is you putting even more unlicensed, unnatural, chemical compounds into your body, and you simply don’t know what’s in them.

The second problem is if you use natural PCT supplements is that they aren’t very potent. They will claim they can boost your testosterone by something impressive sounding like 100%. But if your testosterone is low to start off with, then a 100% increase isn’t actually much of a benefit.

So using androgenic SARMs is not just about the SARMs you are putting in your body, you are amplifying this by requiring even more research chemicals to offset the side effects post cycle.


SARMs & Steroid Alternatives: A Genuine Alternative With Potency

There is a solution to all this madness though. You simply don’t need to use chemical SARMs or PCT supplements at all to get SARMs-like levels of benefits.

I’m not talking about steroids, peptides, or any other type of grey market chemical supplement either.

I’m talking about SARMs and steroid alternatives that use completely safe and natural ingredients.

They use well-established research to create combos of ingredients that mimic the effects in the body of a specific SARM or steroid.

For example, CrazyBulk are the best company to get the supplements from.

CrazyBulk offer a range of SARMs supplements with names which tell you exactly what they do, in relation to the natural ingredients in the supplement to achieve results.


SARMs Vs Alternatives (Pros And Cons)

Let’s take that a little further now, by talking you through the pros and cons of SARMs Vs SARMs alternatives.

SARMs pros:

  • Aggressive muscle building
  • Aggressive fat cutting
  • Superb energy increases

SARMs cons:

  • Expensive
  • Variable quality
  • You don’t know what’s in there
  • You have no idea what long-term effects are
  • Often cut with other chemicals (including steroids)
  • Tough to find reliable suppliers now
  • More chemicals required for PCT

As you can see, the cons of using SARMs are pretty compelling when compared to the potential benefits.

Now let’s look at the pros and cons of CrazyBulk SARMs alternatives.

SARMs alternatives pros:

  • Very affordable to buy
  • Can be used continuously (no cycling)
  • Completely safe to use
  • Only contain natural ingredients
  • Produce significant muscle building and fat cutting results
  • Produce significant energy level lifts
  • Can actually increase natural testosterone production
  • Legal to buy and use

SARMs alternative cons:

  • Not as potent as strong doses of chemical SARMs

So the thing is, SARMs alternatives aren’t quite as potent as SARMs, but you have to use a strong doses of SARMs in stacks to beat them.

Alongside great nutrition and progressive work at the gym, you can use SARMs alternatives in exactly the same way as SARMs to produce incredible results though.


Best SARMs Company: CrazyBulk Natural SARMs

I’ve been using CrazyBulk steroid and SARMs alternatives for more than three years now. I used to use SARMs, but the drag on my body was getting too much.

Plus, I always felt uncertain as to what is actually putting in my body, and was getting very concerned as I got older about the potential long-term side effects stacking up, including things like cardiovascular problems, liver problems, and even assisting potential cancer tumor growth.

Switching to natural SARMs alternatives has been brilliant for me. And as long as you work hard and have great nutrition, you’ll see significant results. Plus, they are incomparable to those ridiculous cheap and ineffective supplements you can buy for $30 on most bodybuilding websites.

1. SARMs Bulking Stack

The CrazyBulk SARMs bulking stack contains four potent natural supplements, that when combined produce superb muscle building and toning effects.

The four supplements included have names which tell you exactly what they do: OSTA 2866, LIGAN 4033, TESTOL 140, and IBUTA 677.

Together they will produce incredible muscle building, fantastic strength, positivity, determination, and increasing all key androgens and peptide hormones that are crucial to strengthen muscle building.

Let’s go into a little more detail on each of those points, so you can see just how potent this stack is:

Incredible Muscle Building:

When these factors team up through the four supplements included, they create a muscle-building powerhouse. You’ll be surprised at how large and toned your muscle tone gets within 12 weeks.

Fantastic Strength:

If you’d really like strong, potent, and ready for anything strength, both in the gym and in your life, then this bulking stack delivers.


Imagine a motivational pep talk from your inner cheerleader for testosterone. This will elevate that key androgen to give you that physical and mental aggression to succeed.

Key Androgens and Peptide Hormones:

These are the always working behind the scenes, pulling the strings. By increasing androgens and peptide hormones (testosterone, IGF-1, HGH) you dramatically increase your muscle building and strengthening rates.

Click here for further details and pricing of the SARMs bulking stack.

2. SARMs Cutting Stack

The CrazyBulk SARMs cutting stack again combines four potent natural supplements, containing dozens of natural compounds that are proven to help you achieve your fat cutting goals.

You’ll be able to achieve the following easily:

  • Shed tons of excess fat
  • Target difficult belly fat
  • Maintain high levels of energy
  • Preserve your muscle mass in a cut
  • Harden and sculpt existing muscle tone

This is achieved through four high quality and potent SARMs alternatives: IBUTA 677, C-DINE 501516, LIGAN 4033, and STENA 9009.

By using this for 12 weeks you’ll get a fantastic look. You’ll look really ripped, as long as you work in a calorie deficit and really push higher than your usual levels of performance.

Your strength will skyrocket, your metabolism will increase, and the fuel being sent to your muscles to burn will also help you maintain energy and post-workout it will aid recovery.

Click here for further details and pricing of the CrazyBulk SARMs cutting stack.

3. SARMs Ultimate Stack

The ultimate SARMs stack from CrazyBulk can be confusing, because why would you need a bulking or cutting stack if it’s “ultimate”?

This is actually a balanced cutting and muscle building stack combined. Some people don’t want that balance, they instead want to focus on bulking or cutting, hence the variation.

This stack is best used after a couple of aggressive bulking and cutting cycles. It will maintain your look, both by helping to keep fat down and continuing to harden, tone, and bulk muscle tone while improving strength.

Put that all together, and it will deliver the following:

  • Cuts fat ongoing
  • Get you looking shredded fast
  • Helps melt excess fat
  • Boosts both your strength and endurance levels
  • Increases ability to recover
  • Tones and hardens existing gains

It uses five potent natural SARMs to achieve this:

  • C-DINE 501516 (Cardarine)
  • LIGAN 4033 (Ligandrol)
  • OSTA 2866 (Ostarine)
  • STENA 9009 (Stenabolic)
  • IBUTA 677 (Ibutamoren)

So my advice is simple and clear. Use the bulking and cutting stacks for a couple of three month cycles each at least. In fact, I advise devoting most of your first year to bulking and cutting in combo to get the look you want.

Then, you can switch to the CrazyBulk SARMs ultimate stack, which will maintain and further develop the physique that you have built, injection free, completely legally, and with no side effects.

Click here for further details and pricing of the CrazyBulk SARMs ultimate stack.

4. Growth Hormone Stack

Although this isn’t a specific SARMs alternative stack, and is in fact a natural steroid alternatives and natural hormone producing stack, it’s worth highlighting here for several reasons.

Firstly, there’s no limit on what you can stack. Because the ingredients are safe and natural, you don’t have to worry about overload. So you can stack the growth hormone stack with any of the prebuilt SARMs stacks we have already talked about.

Secondly, this will deliver higher levels of human growth hormone, IGF-1, and testosterone in the body. It does all this completely naturally, but with the same end result of spiking strength, muscle growth, endurance levels, and fat cutting.

Here are the details you need to know on the potent supplements in the ready-made stacks:


Human growth hormone (HGH) is a key peptide hormone that’s produced by your pituitary gland. HGH-X2 kicks in the front door to your pituitary gland to force it to release more HGH into your bloodstream.


Deca-Max (Decaduro) enhances nitrogen retention in your muscles, which is the essential building block of protein. With increased nitrogen retention, you’ll experience significant strength and muscle gains. It also boosts levels of crucial oxygen-carrying red blood cells, leading to longer, more intense workouts and faster recovery from muscle burn.


D-Bal also improves nitrogen retention, allowing your muscle tissue to hold onto essential proteins. This translates to muscle growth and increased strength. Together, it amplifies this crucial effect which helps you to push yourself harder, which generates the right conditions for higher levels of crucial androgen and peptide hormones.


Testosterone production gets a natural boost with Testo-Max. Containing very high levels of D-Aspartic acid, a proven natural testosterone boosting compound, this can double testosterone levels completely safely and naturally.


Clenbutrol drives higher levels of fat loss and boosts general cardiovascular performance, helping you achieve that awe-inspiring, ripped physique.

Click here for full details and pricing of the CrazyBulk human growth hormone stack.

Still Want To Try SARMs? Think About A Hybrid Strategy

If you’re still dead set on trying SARMs, but are now rightly concerned about the safety of using them at all, let alone for the long term, then there is a hybrid strategy you can use.

What we do is to stack one of the ready-made natural CrazyBulk SARMs stacks with a single chemical one.

A great one to use all round is Cardarine. Underpin the bulking, cutting, and ultimate stacks with this and you’ll just get more energy.

Underpin a cutting stack with Ostarine. That will help to boost everything you need to cut fat and maintain muscle mass.

For bulking, you don’t use androgenic SARMs. A low dose of YK-11 or MK-677 will help to elevate muscle growth without depleting natural testosterone supplied.

Overall though, if you’re new to all of this, try the CrazyBulk SARMs alternatives on their own for a year first. I’m telling you; they are potent and safe to use. You simply don’t need to go near SARMs.

Best Site To Buy SARMs: Direct From CrazyBulk

I’ve taken you through it, I hope you can see that the best place to buy SARMs is from CrazyBulk.

Not only is it the best SARMs company right now, because of the safety and potency, but it’s also the best site to buy SARMs from, because if you know what to do, you can save an absolute truck ton of cash.

Here’s the tips you need to save money on CrazyBulk:

  1. Always shop the stacks. Never buy the single supplements as the stacks are discounted.
  2. Always add three months of the stack to your shopping cart. The third month will be free.
  3. Always add the 20% discount code shown on the front of the site your shopping cart as well.

On top of those key tips to save nearly 50% on some orders, you’ll also get completely free global shipping.

Add all that together, and it’s really stress and risk-free to use this great SARMs company to deliver your bodybuilding goals.

(This article is part of DMCL Consumer Connect Initiative, a paid publication programme. DMCL claims no editorial involvement and assumes no responsibility, liability or claims for any errors or omissions in the content of the article. The DMCL Editorial team is not responsible for this content.)