Accusing the BJP of adopting double standards on the corruption issue, Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh today said that the saffron party's BS Yeddyurappa continues to remain Karnataka chief minister even after his involvement in a land scam."On 2G spectrum issue, we accepted telecom minister A Raja's resignation. But, even after direct evidence against Yeddyurrappa over his involvement in allotment of land to his close people, he has not resigned as Karnataka chief minister," Singh told reporters here.Singh said that the Congress did not spare time to take resignation from Ashok Chavan after his image got sullied in Adarsh Society issue.On the contrary, he said that BJP has not initiated action against corrupt Reddy brothers because they allegedly have protection of their senior BJP leader Sushma Swaraj.The Congress general secretary said that his party has always remained sensitive over corruption issues but the BJP speaking loudly against corruption decorates its leaders Dilip Singh Judeo and Bangaru Laxman caught taking bribe in cameras, with plum posts.He rubbished BJP's charges of corruption against Centre saying they were hollow.Singh said that he sticks to his demand of a high level inquiry into the BJP president Nitin Gadkari's property.Taking a jibe at Gadkari, he said,"Has he won a lottery draw or his relative has left a secret fortune for him? It should be probed how he had become the master of such a big property."