BJP Andhra Pradesh unit today demanded the "Telangana Liberation Day" on September 17 be celebrated officially by the state government.All programmes on September 17 should be celebrated officially, as Telangana region was freed from the clutches of erstwhile Nizam rule one year after the Independence, chairman BJP Telangana Struggle Committee (TSC), Dr T Rajeshwar Raotold reporters here.He appealed to leaders of ruling Congress party, TDP and left parties of Telangana region to join in celebrations of Telangana Liberation day and take pledge to achieve separate statehood for Telangana."If Congress party is sincere about separate Telangana state, it should move a bill in the on-going session and our party would support it", Rao said. 


The party would launch an 11-day yatra from August 26 in five districts of south Telangana to express solidarity with the family members of those who sacrificed their lives for the cause of Telangana, TSC chairman said.Of the 400 persons who committed suicide in support of Telangana state, 75 persons including students hailed fromfive districts of South Telangana, Rao claimed.Party's legislator Lakshminarayana, who defeated APCC president D Srinivas in recent Assembly bypolls in Telanganaregion, would lead the yatra in which state unit president GKishan Reddy and other leaders would participate.The yatra would be flagged off by Lakshminarayana in Nalgonda, Rao said.