BJP Parliamentary Board, the highest decision making body of the party, has endorsed senior leader LK Advani's plans to take out a rathyatra and put the general secretaries on the job for making it a success.Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj Friday told reporters BJP was fully supporting Advani's plans for taking out a yatra against corruption."Party President Nitin Gadkari had put this proposal of Advani to take out a yatra in front of the Parliamentary Board. It was endorsed unanimously by all the members. Party General Secretaries have been put on the job. Party is fully with his yatra," Swaraj said in reply to questions.In a surprise move, Advani had announced yesterday that he will take out a yatra across the country in October-November this year against corruption. He said it will be aimed at good governance and clean politics.This had led to speculation that he was attempting a comeback and be in the reckoning as BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate.Asked if Advani was trying to pitch his case through this yatra for becoming BJP's next Prime Ministerial candidate, Swaraj said, "You all are needlessly taking out these meanings."She also refuted suggestions that some leaders within the BJP were against the yatra."If Advani is taking out a yatra do you think we will not support it," she said.Swaraj also defended Advani's anger expressed in the Lok Sabha over the arrest of the two "whistleblower" former BJP MPs in the cash-for-vote scam."His anger is understandable as he was the Leader of Opposition then (during the Trust vote of July 2008). He was saddened (by the arrest)," she said.