Rejecting Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah's warning, the youth wing of BJP today said it would go head with its proposed 'Tiranga Yatra' from here to Kashmir tomorrow."Opponents to this march know very well that if youth become aware of the Kashmir issues, they will lose political ground. That is why they are creating controversies on the march and trying to give it a political colour," Bhartiya Janta Yuva Morcha National president Anurag Thakur said.He said, "The Congress is mainly responsible for the Kashmir problem. They messed it in such a way that it could not be solved even after 60 years."Thakur said that the entire nation "is paying the price of its (Congress') consequences."Pointing that a solution lay in the constitutional framework and not on religious lines, he demanded abolition of Article 370.Abdullah had said that BJP wanted to set the Valley on fire again and warned the party that if there were any repercussions, he would hold it responsible for that.