Congress General Secretary Digvijay Singh today said he and not Rahul Gandhi should be held responsible if election results in Uttar Pradesh are not in favour of the party.He also refused to put the blame on Rahul, who had led the party's campaign in Uttar Pradesh, in case of such an eventuality. Singh told Star News that he as the AICC general secretary in-charge of Uttar Pradesh, Rita Bahuguna Joshi as PCC chief and the candidates, have to be held responsible if the party's show was not as per the expectations in UP polls. He was replying to a question on whether Rahul will be held responsible if the party failed to show up in the UP elections, which comes to a close tomorrow with the last phase of polling.Singh at the same time expressed confidence that after the results on March 6, the party will be able to tell people the areas where Congress has managed to make its reach in the state."Earlier whether it was media or other political parties, they did not even think where Congress is going. In 2009, when we talked of alliance with Samajwadi Party, it was said where the Congress stood (in UP). We showed them where Congress stood in 2009 (Lok Sabha elections) and we will show them in 2012 as well what are the areas, where Congress has reached by now," Singh said.Asked what is the target with which Congress contested the polls in UP, Singh said that the party fought all the seats in UP in alliance with RLD for forming a government with clear majority.Earlier in the day Singh, speaking separately to reporters said Congress will stake claim to form the government if it got majority or even became the single largest party."If we get majority or became the single largest party, then we will stake claim to form government in UP," he said.