West Bengal chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee today cautioned the Centre against increasing prices of petroleum products, saying such a move will deal another blow to the common people already suffering on account of abnormally high prices of essential commodities."I made it clear in the chief ministers' meeting convened by the Prime Minister yesterday that there should not be any hike in petroleum prices as recommended by the Parikh panel,"Bhattacharjee said addressing a Left Front rally at theBrigade Parade Ground."I told the Centre that if prices of petroleum are hiked, the problems of common people will aggravate. I don't know what they will do," he said.Asking the Centre to rectify its policies which he held responsible for the price rise, he emphasised that the public distribution system should be strengthened and should cover all strata of society. The subsidy should be also retained.Left Front chairman Biman Bose told the rally that a further hike in petroleum prices would be nothing less than an attack on people.Speaking on the issue, CPI(M) politburo member and CITU leader Md Amin threatened to call a nationwide strike if any such decision was taken.