A 60-year-old carpenter has filed a petition against Anna Hazare and his team members in a Delhi court for "waging war against the government".Satbir Singh, hailing from Haryana, approached the court of metropolitan magistrate Tyagita Singh on Saturday, pleading that a case be lodged against Hazare and his team members. Satbir has also said that the "accused persons may kindly be summoned, tried and punished according to law"."They have all hatched a conspiracy to cause loss to the nation and to lower the reputation of government of India and its ministers," Satbir said in his petition."They instigated innocent people to assemble at Ramlila Maidan on August 16. The accused gave false speech against Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and other MPs," said the petition, a copy of which is with IANS."On their direction people assembled outside the houses of ministers, due to which they disturbed the peace in the locality and even disturbed the traffic system," it said."The accused persons through media have abused the government and pressurised them to pass their own Jan Lokpal bill, in which they have succeeded," states the petition.Satbir has accused Team Anna of hatching criminal conspiracy, waging war against government, rioting, creating public nuisance, defamation, among other offences.The matter will come up for hearing in the court Monday.Hazare sat on a hunger strike on August 16, demanding a strong Lokpal Bill. He broke his 12-day fast on August 28 after the Parliament held a special debate and adopted the three key Lokpal points demanded by Team Anna.Team Anna members Kiran Bedi, Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal have been served breach of privilege notices by parliament for mocking at MPs and using unparliamentary language.