The city police today did not oppose the bail petitions of five jailed accused in the 2008 cash-for-vote case, including two former BJP MPs and LK Advani's former aide Sudheendra Kulkarni, besides the anticipatory bail plea of a party MP in the Delhi High Court.Justice ML Mehta reserved the order on the pleas of the six accused till November 16."The honourable court may consider granting bail to all the six accused who have filed their bail applications in the court," the Delhi Police counsel, Pawan Sharma, told the High Court during the hearing of the bail pleas of the five jailed accused and the anticipatory bail plea of BJP MP Ashok Argal.The five jailed accused -- former BJP law makers Faggan Singh Kulaste and Mahabir Singh Bhagora, Kulkarni, Rajya Sabha MP Amar Singh's former aide Sanjeev Saxena and alleged BJP activist Suhail Hindustani-- approached the High Court challenging the trial court's order denying them bail.Justice Mehta would tomorrow hear the anticipatory bail plea of Samajwadi Party leader Rewati Raman Singh, who was summoned as an accused by the trial court judge recently.During the hearing, the counsel for Delhi Police said the probe into the case was over and custodial interrogation of none of the accused was required.