"Did the instructions come from some other planet?"This question was asked by the leader of opposition Arun Jaitley with regard to Warren Anderson being allowed to leave India after his arrest in 1984 Bhopal gas case.It was a clash between the two lawyers as home minister P Chidambaram and Jaitley slugged it out in the Rajya Sabha on the responsibility of allowing Anderson to leave."Pranab babu (finance minister Pranab Mukherjee) has a favourite phrase when he says 'did the people come from another planet?' So, I am borrowing this phrase -- did these instructions come from some other planet?," the BJP leader asked. Responding, Chidambaram said, "No, they did not come from another planet...this instruction, according to Shri Arjun Singhji's statement, came from home ministry officials on this planet. Nobody is disputing that".