Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday said his government was committed to providing free rides to women in metro trains, soon after the Centre said it has not received any proposal from the AAP dispensation. 


The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs said on Thursday in Parliament that the Centre was yet to receive any proposal from the AAP government on providing free rides to women in the Delhi Metro.

"No, Sir," said Minister of State for Housing and Urban Affairs Hardeep Singh Puri to a written question by TMC MP Saugata Roy in Lok Sabha on whether the Union government has any proposal for free rides for women in Delhi Metro Train.

The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government had earlier this month announced that women would get to ride the Delhi Metro and DTC buses free of cost.

Reacting to this, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) has submitted a proposal regarding the scheme to his government and that he was committed to provide free metro rides to women.

"On our request, Del Metro has submitted its proposal. In principle, their proposal is agreeable to us. However, Delhi govt is studying its details," Kejriwal tweeted.

"I repeat that, as announced, Delhi govt is committed to provide free metro rides to women," he added. 

Delhi government official Nagendar Sharma also said that providing free rides to women is the proposal of the Delhi government and it will bear the cost by paying directly to the DMRC.

"For media friends seeking a response to a Lok Sabha Q & A on free Metro travel for women in Delhi: It is a Delhi govt proposal and the Delhi govt will bear the cost and pay directly to DMRC," he said. 

"TMC MP's Q was whether Centre has any proposal! Please do not be confused," he tweeted.