With graft allegations dogging the Commonwealth Games Organising Committee, government today said the charges of irregularities in games preparations reported by media were unsubstantiated but promised to take stringent action if any specific complaint is brought to its notice."These are sweeping unsubstantiated complaints. There could be corruption. But if any specific issues are brought to our notice now, or later, stringent action will be initiated immediately," Urban Development minister Jaipal Reddy, who is also the chairman of the group of ministers on Commonwealth Games, told reporters outside Parliament."Where are the specific complaints? So far the complaints appeared in the media relating to the Organising Committee. Concerned agencies are looking into it," he said replying to another question on allegations against the Organising Committee.


The minister said that the proposal to form a committee on the lines of Asiad Games to oversee the Commonwealth Games is not feasible.

"There is a legal difficulty to which Gill (Sports Minister) has referred in the House. The only organisation which can do (Games) is Organising Committee in India which entered into an agreement with Commonwealth Association. Therefore, government is not competent to tamper with it," Reddy said.

About the preparedness, he said all the stadia were ready and some debris was lying due to MTNL work.

On the unfinished work on DDA flats for Games' technical staff, Reddy said, "DDA is accountable and we are asking the agency to complete it."