The CBI has received the "documentation" confirming the death of LTTE chief V Prabhakaran, prime accused in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination from the government of Sri Lanka, home minister P Chidambaram said here today."The CBI has told me that they received documentation from the Government of Sri Lanka confirming the death of Prabhakaran," the home minister said.The CBI had said in a recent RTI reply that it was still awaiting the certificate of Prabhakaran's death from the authorities in Sri Lanka.Lankan forces had recovered the body of Prabhakaran on May 18 last year.In the reply dated January 27 to the RTI query, BN Mishra, Superintendent of Police at the Multi Disciplinary Monitoring Agency (under the CBI to investigate the case) said, "The matter is regularly being pursued through diplomatic channel.""Immediately after coming to know about the death of Prabhakaran, the proclaimed offender in the case, CBI has taken up the matter with authorities concerned in Sri Lanka through diplomatic channels for supplying authenticated copy of his death certificate, which is still awaited," it read.     Gandhi was assassinated in Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu on May 21, 1991 during an election rally.