Accusing Congress of "double speak" over revocation of Armed Forces Special Powers Act in Jammu and Kashmir, BJP today said it should clear its stand on the issue."Congress is engaged in double speak on removal of AFSPA. They say one thing on it in New Delhi and another in Jammu and Kashmir. There is need for Congress to come clear on it," BJP Mahila Morcha national president Smriti Irani told reporters here."As a responsible political party, Congress should clear its stand on AFSPA," she said.Irani condemned Chief Minister Omar Abdullah's proposal to withdraw AFSPA in some parts of Jammu and Kashmir and expressed surprise over Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad's statement supporting his stand.She said instead of meddling in the affairs of J&K, Azad should concentrate on deaths taking place in government hospitals in West Bengal.Irani questioned why Omar is not cutting down salaries of himself and his ministers instead of declaring fixed salary policy for new recruits in the state on the pretext of financial crunch.