The Delhi Development Authority has asked a private company to pay a "compensation" of nearly Rs 6 crore for "slow progress" in the construction works related to Commonwealth Games.The DDA asked the Sportina Payce Infrastructure Limited to pay Rs 5.74 crore for slow pace of construction of practice venue of swimming pool, fitness centre, weight-lifting, wrestling areas and athletic tracks for the Games, the civic body said in a reply to an RTI application."The performance guarantee and security deposit forfeited and Rs 5,74,98,025 levied as compensation against Sportina Payce Infrastructure Limited," the reply to activist S C Agrawal said.The DDA in its reply to the application seeking to know the details of fines slapped on erring companies said the firm was also held responsible for slow progress of construction at Siri Fort stadium and was asked to pay over Rs 50 lakh as compensation.Agrawal had filed its application with the Games Organising Committee which transferred it to different bodies involved in the  construction work."Foundation work at Siri Fort Stadium of Badminton and Squash... for the slow progress, compensation of Rs 50,00,341 has been imposed against Sportina Payce Infrastructure Limited," the reply said.The authority said all the projects under it will be completed before the Games and that no additional funds have been sought from the Central government by it.The DDA, however, did not find any official responsible for the delay, the reply said.In an earlier reply, the CPWD, which is another organisation involved in the construction works for the Commonwealth Games, said the cost of construction works of different venues has gone by almost 250%."The budget was revised on account of revised cost indices and escalation, change in scope of work as per the requirement of venue, various additions and deletions to make venue suitable for various standards and addition of service tax, quality assurance and contingencies," CPWD had said in its reply to Agrawal.The Games will be held here from October 3 to 14.