The Delhi High Court on Wednesday cautioned the Aam Aadmi Party Government in Delhi from stretching any further the issue that the third wave of COVID-19 could be coming from Singapore or some other country. The Delhi High Court said that India already has its own variants of the virus and does not need any other nation for it. 


"Let's be clear, there is no wave from Singapore and we don't need any other country, we have our own variants," said a bench of Justices Vipin Sanghi and Jasmeet Singh which interjected when Delhi government's counsel was making submissions that the next wave could be coming from Singapore or some other country.

The court was hearing the plea over the condition of subordinate judiciary's judicial officers who are at risk of contracting COVID-19 owing to the nature of duties when this issue was taken up.

Stressing on the need for vaccination, senior advocate Rahul Mehra, representing the Delhi government said, "Until and unless everyone is safe, none is safe."

The controversy regarding the new variant of COVID-19 started after Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal tweeted on Tuesday that the so-called 'new Singapore variant' was very harmful to children and called on the Central government to immediately halt flights with the Southeast Asian nation.

Both the Singapore and Indian governments have criticised Delhi CM, saying his comments were not based on facts and were 'irresponsible'.