Medicine is now offering men and women the option to preserve their fertility for the future.


Given the rise in infertility among both the sexes, medical practitioners believe that it could turn out to be a viable option for those who want to have a child in the future without worrying about their biological clock ticking.

Speaking at a press conference held in the city, Dr Matan Yemini, director, Diamond Institute for infertility and menopause in New Jersey said that the option turns out to be a boon particularly for cancer patients.

“It provides hope to young cancer patients whose fertility decrease drastically during treatment of the disease,” said Dr Yemini. He said that at present infertility as a side-effect of cancer treatment remains at the bottom of the priority list.

“When it is cancer, the race is to save life. Few doctors talk about the impact of cancer treatment on fertility and even fewer patients bother about preserving their fertility through egg or sperm freezing,” said Dr Yemini. He believes that infertility experts should actively seek to become part of the oncology team.

The doctor also said that fertility preservation allows men and women the option to have a baby when they are ready.

“Many women don’t like to be told about the biological clock ticking.But as doctors we can always tell them of the options they have available to have their own baby even if they are past the age,” said Dr Yemini. He also advised women to get a simple blood test available to know of their fertility level.

“A woman may be just 27, and may think she has time on her side. But a simple blood test can reveal how fast her fertility is deteriorating. This can help women take a decision to preserve their fertility for the future,” said Dr Yemini.