Lightning strikes in north India: Know about these dos and don'ts when lightning strikes

Written By DNA Web Team | Updated: Jul 13, 2021, 06:40 AM IST

Lightning is a big spark of electricity between the cloud, the air, or the ground. Know what to do when lightning strikes.

On Sunday, July 11, there was an incident of lightning strike in many places including Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh in which many people lost their lives. Lightning falling from the sky is a very serious incident, which can turn fatal. But if the victim gets the right treatment at the right time, then many lives can be saved.

Lightning is a big spark of electricity between the cloud, the air, or the ground. Long trees, tall buildings, and towers, even mountains—basically tall objects—are generally received lightning strikes. Know what to do after lightning strikes a person.

What to do after lightning strikes a person?

According to the information available on the website of the Nagpur Center of IMD (Indian Meteorological Department), if lightning strikes a person, then these steps should be taken.

1. First of all, know that it is completely safe to touch a lightning strike victim.

2. Check to see if the victim is breathing and has a heartbeat. The best place to check for a pulse is the carotid artery which is found on your neck directly below your jaw.

3. If the victim is not breathing, immediately begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If the victim does not have a pulse, start cardiac compressions as well (CPR).

4. Check victim who survives a strike to have any major broken bones that would cause paralysis or major bleeding complications unless the person suffered a fall or was thrown a long distance.

5. Be aware of the continuing lightning danger to both the victim and rescuer. If the area where the victim is located is high risk, move the victim immediately to a safer location.

6. People struck by lightning carry no electrical charge and can be handled safely.

7. Check for broken bones, loss of hearing and eyesight.

8. A victim of a lightning strike can suffer varying degrees of burn, shock, and sometimes blunt trauma. Check the impact point and where the electricity left the body for injury marks.

9. Call helpline number 1078, and give directions to exact location and information about the strike victim(s). Take the person who is struck by lightning to a hospital.

Precautions for lightning strike - Indoors and Outdoors

If the weather is bad and there is a sound of lightning, take the following steps.

Do not leave the house when the weather is bad or when you hear the sound of lightning.

Remember the 30/30 Lightning Safety Rule. Go indoors if, after seeing lightning, you cannot count to 30 before hearing thunder. Stay indoors for 30 minutes after hearing the last clap of thunder.

Get off from high places, mountains, peaks, bridges etc. or take shelter at home. DO NOT take shelter under trees and particularly under isolated tree, as these conduct electricity.

If no shelter is available, immediately get into the lightning crouch. Squat or sit in a tight ball, arms wrapped around your legs. Keep your feet together (touching), head lowered, ears covered, and eyes closed. This makes you as small a target as possible.

If you are in a group during a thunderstorm, separate from each other. This will reduce the number of injuries if lightning strikes the ground.

Hair standing up on the back of your neck could indicate that lightning is imminent.

Do not use mobile or any other electrical device. Do not stand near any pole, iron or wire.

Close the windows and doors of the house. At the same time, turn off all the electrical appliances in the house.

Get off the bike, cycle and if you are in a car, stay in it.

Note - The information given here is not a substitute for any medical advice. It is given for the purpose of education only.