The emergence of Aam Aadmi Party is a warning to major political parties to act responsibly in future, Congress and BJP said today.


Congress General Secretary Janardan Dwivedi said the rise of Arvind Kejriwal's party should be seen as a sign of healthy democracy and not an unhealthy one.

"The victory of AAP is symbolic. Major political parties failed to live up to the hopes and aspirations of the people and AAP has given voice to the anger of the people. It is a sign of healthy democracy and not an unhealthy democracy," he said here.

At the same time, Dwivedi said that only time will tell what material AAP is made of. "I do not consider it as a threat but a warning signal that major political parties needed to act responsibly," he said.

Speaking separately, BJP general secretary Rajiv Pratap Rudy conceded that rise of AAP is a matter of concern for both BJP and Congress.

"Regional manifesto is setting the national agenda. This is what happened in Delhi. A great churning is taking place.

AAP votes should actually have come to BJP. Then it would have been a landslide victory for BJP," he said.