After a night of anticipation for a peaceful tomorrow, locals affected by the curfew in four police station areas of the city witnessed thirteen hours of normalcy on Wednesday. Realizing that normalcy was returning to the curfew hit areas, the police gave relaxation of thirteen hours in the curfew starting from 6 AM.


For the first time in the past few days, students from the area could peacefully go to the educational institutions without the fear of any ill occurrence. With the break of day, people came out of their houses to experience the tension free surroundings. As the day progressed, the roadside vendors, shopkeepers, restaurants and jewellers opened their shops for business which was welcomed by equal warmth from the locals. In huge numbers, the locals were seen doing shopping and purchasing items of daily use.

The day the situation remained normal in the affected areas although the city police kept a strict vigil to respond quickly if any situation developed. The police even conducted flag march while a heavy downpour also occurred in the day. However, the day went by without any incident. 

As the day came to a close and the time for imposing curfew came near, shop owners started shutting down. The restaurants, roadside vendors and locals ended their chores for the day and before 7 PM - the time when the curfew was to be initiated on Wednesday - people were back to their homes.

After five days of a temporary ban on internet services, no additional ban was announced and the internet services resumed after midnight on Wednesday, as the ban had only been announced till then. Notably, a longer relaxation will be given on Thursday