The Special Intelligence Wing of Punjab Police have arrested five drug peddlers and seized 26 kilograms of heroin after a brief gun battle with them on Sunday. Acting on a tip-off, the sleuths intercepted an SUV and arrested five suspected drug peddlers after a brief exchange of fire in morning."During investigation we recovered a 0.3 bore revolver and eight live cartridges. We also recovered 26 kilograms of heroin from the bags that they had kept in the vehicle. As for the injured in the firing, some police officers were also injured and they were admitted to the hospital by our team.," said Suresh Arora, Additional Director General Police- Intelligence Wing, Punjab Police.Those arrested were identified as Rachpal Singh, Hargurpreet Singh, Rachpal Singh, Gurjant Singh and Sahib Singh. Their interrogation has revealed that Gurjant Singh and Gurpreet Singh have close links with Pakistan-based smugglers.