A four-year-old boy today fell into a 250-ft borewell while playing near it in Piploon village of Rajasthan's Jahazpur district, police said.One earth mover machine has reached the spot for rescue operation, they said adding that the town is some 80km from the district headquarters."The boy, identified as Pankaj, is stuck about 20-22 feet down in the borewell. The incident occurred in the afternoon and a medical team and senior police and administration officials have rushed to the spot," a police official said.Earlier in November last year, a four-year-old boy Sahil had fallen into a borewell in Shahpura town of Jaipur district. He could not be pulled out despite efforts by the government for many days. In a similar incident in Andhra Pradesh earlier this month, a one-and-half-year-old boy fell into a 30-feet-deep borewell at a hamlet in Warangal district and was found dead after a 24-hour-long operation.