Chief minister Narendra Modi formally announced the mega plans made for the celebration of Gujarat's Golden Jubilee. Addressing a huge gathering of mediapersons on Friday,  Modi told them: "Gujarat has always been on the forefront of growth and the golden jubilee celebrations will give a great boost to the growth momentum of the state.


It will decide the course of development for the next 50 years.''Giving an outline of the various plans of the celebration of the state's 50th anniversary, Modi focused on the need for people's active participation in social reforms and change.

He said: "Before independence, because of motivation given by of various leaders like Gandhiji, people used to take up cleanliness work and have healthy practices as part of a social movement, but after independence these activities were limited to only a few NGOs and individuals. 

"Now, on the eve of the golden jubilee celebration, is the right time to once again start the people's movement. For the last two years the Gujarat Golden Jubilee Rath Yatra has tried to involve people in social change by individual efforts. People are taking oaths to change the world around them by small efforts. People are helping in education, health etc.''

"We have contacted Gujaratis living in other states of India and other countries and invited them to participate in the celebration. Our aim is to connect the new generation of Gujaratis with their home state. Around 100 functions are going to be organised by Gujaratis across the nation and the world.''

On April 30 evening, a mega convention of Non Resident Gujaratis-Non Resident Indians on the themes of Golden Gujarat-Global Gujarat will be held. A Sapta Rangi Gujarat cultural event has also been arranged. In the evening at 7.30 pm, entire Gujarat will  chant in unison 'Jaynad-Jay Garvi Gujarat' in all 18,000 villages, 159 towns, and seven  municipal corporations of the state.

On May 1, morning the CM and other dignitaries will pay tribute to Indulal Yagnik, Ravishankar Maharaj and the martyrs of the Maha Gujarat movement. At 10 am the governor, CM and other dignitaries will lay the foundation stone of the ambitious Mahatma Mandir.

 In the evening a grand celebration will be held in which around 4000 dancers will perform.