Government today rejected as "completely baseless" the allegation by Pakistan that India has denied it the share of water it was entitled to under the Indus Water Treaty (IWT).     Government has seen reports regarding the remarks by the adviser to the prime minister of Pakistan on education, Sardar Aseff Ali, stating that India will have to stop "stealing"Pakistan's water as it will not hesitate to wage war with New Delhi if it does not stop doing so, external affairs minister SM Krishna said in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha.     "The allegation that India has denied Pakistan the share of water it is entitled to under the IWT, signed in 1960 between India and Pakistan, is completely baseless and has been categorically rejected," Krishna said.     According to reports, Ali had stated that the distribution of water was a sensitive issue and it may trigger a war between India and Pakistan.He also threatened that Islamabad might seek international arbitration on the water issue by taking it up with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) or the UNSC if India tried to construct any more dams that affect Pakistan's share of water.     Rejecting all these allegations, Krishna said, "government is in full compliance with the Treaty. All issues regarding the implementation of the Treaty should be resolved through the existing mechanisms under the IWT."