The appointment of Lok Ayukta in Gujarat rocked Parliament on Tuesday, with an agitated BJP terming it as "undemocratic" and demanding recall of Governor Kamla Beniwal accusing her of violating the federal structure.BJP members created uproar in both Houses over the issue. Lok Sabha failed to transact any business as it was adjourned, first till noon and then till 2pm. Rajya Sabha saw similar scenes during Zero Hour and had to be adjourned till 2pm.Congress tried to counter by raising the acquittal of all 12 accused in the murder case of former Gujarat Home Minister Haren Pandya."We are going to approach the President seeking recall of the Governor," BJP veteran LK Advani said in the Lok Sabha amid frequent interruptions by a section of Congress MPs from Gujarat who had been finding fault with the state government.Raising the matter, he said while the Constitution provided the Governor would act on the aid and advice of the Council of Ministers, it was violated in case of Gujarat as the Governor appointed the Lokayukta without consulting the Chief Minister."Therefore, it is a fit case to be taken up by the House. Parliament can take note of it. We will raise the matter with the President. We will seek recall (of the Governor)", Advani said.It was similar story in the Rajya Sabha where Leader of the Opposition Arun Jaitley alleged that "this constitutional crisis has been created at the behest of those in power in Delhi... This Governor should not stay in office even for a minute."