With growing concerns over climate change owing to environmental degradation, the concept of green energy has been fast catching up in Gujarat. In fact, the industry and the state government have been actively working to promote green energy by way of renewable energy sources and other means."The effects of climate change due to global warming are becoming clearly visible now. Rapid industrialisation, fast population growth and changing lifestyles are causing damage to the environment, which can be controlled by the use of green energy," said DJ Yadav, chairman of the Gujarat Environment Committee, CII."Green energy is not just a concept in Gujarat any more - it has already been implemented at various levels. Both, the government and the industries, including trade bodies are taking steps to promote and tap green energy sources," said Kamlesh Yagnik, head of the environment committee at the Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industry.According to officials, the focus has shifted from traditional sources of power generation to renewable energy sources in the last few years. "The emphasis is on non-conventional energy sources such as wind and solar power," a government official said.According to official data, around 1,000 MW of wind power generation capacity has been added in Gujarat in the last two years, more than half of the total installed wind power generation capacity of 1800 MW. "The wind power generation capacity is planned to be significantly enhanced every year," officials said.However, experts said that steps must also be taken to promote wind power generation in low wind areas using better technology. Around 700 MW of solar power generation capacity is expected to be added in the state in the near future. The state government has also announced a policy wherein it will pay higher rates to purchase power generated through unconventional sources."At present, power transmission companies have to buy 2% of their total power from renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. This limit should be increased to 5%, to further boost to renewable power generation," Yagnik said. Industry bodies like CII, GCCI, SGCCI and others have been encouraging the use of green energy among their members by regularly holding seminars and other events to explain its importance.Besides encouraging the promotion of green energy for environment conservation, experts also stressed the need to promote Green Buildings, which involve energy efficient practices such as use of renewable resources, building integrated photo-voltaic, rain water harvesting and water recycling among others."A Green Building brings together a vast array of energy efficient and environment friendly construction practices, and needs to be encouraged," said experts.The state government has also been quite active in taking steps for environmental conservation. From advocating usage of gas in homes and industries, the focus has shifted on renewable energy sources and other means for saving the environment. Gujarat was only the fourth state in the world to setup a separate climate change department to manage climate change. The government is also taking steps for promotion of green technology, for conservation of water and other natural resources, to make efforts to earn carbon credits, and to promote clean energy initiatives.