MP and lawyer Ram Jethmalani was expelled from BJP on Tuesday, 28th May, after his initial suspension from the party in November 2012 based on charges of making anti-party statements. Jethmalani, in November last year, made various comments about BJP and its activities, with major highlight on the party's president Nitin Gadkari. "I am in touch with Jaswant Singh, Yashwant Sinha and Shatrughan Sinha (all Lok Sabha members). We seem to be on the same wave length. I don't presume to predict how they will act. We are clearly of the opinion that resignation of the party president is imminently called for," Jethmalani said, explaining that president of the party has been involved in corrupt activities. The expose that Gadkari's Purti group had investments from companies that did not seem to exist instigated such statements from Ram Jethmalani. Jethmalani's son, Mahesh Jethmalani resigned from BJP's national executive on November 5 2012 stating that he would not want to be associated with a party that has a president like Gadkari.  The BJP president was also suspected for having his driver and astrologer listed as major stakeholders in his company."I owe a debt to the nation and I personally would like to continue in the party...There are some people who would want to quit the party to clear their conscience", Ram Jethmalani said soon after news about Nitin Gadkari's involvement in corrupt activities.


The government appointed Ranjit Sinha as CBI director to investigate the matter. While the BJP attacked the government over the new appointment, Jethmalani, supported the move saying, "I was astonished to read that the BJP has attacked the Prime Minister and the Congress party for what the party calls fast-tracked appointment of Ranjit Sinha as the Director of the CBI."To which BJP spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain responded, "Jethmalani's remarks are meant to help the Congress." These remarks made by the MP caused the party to suspend him. Three months into his suspension, Ram Jethmalani questioned the party about the inaction regarding his case. He challenged the party to either remove him from the party or to take the notice back. The party decided to expel him on May 28. Jethmalani, 87, a member of the Rajya Sabha, will now be an independent candidate in the Upper House of Parliament.