Not many people may be acquainted with the spiritual significance of Holy Mass (service) that Christians take part every Sunday. It is the participation in the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Christians congregate in church for community worship and offer prayers by devoutly participating in the holy communion.


Reiterating this, Fr Jogi George, vicar, St Mary's Orthodox Church, Ahmedabad says, "The Mass is the most holy act of religion; it is a gathering where every Christian comes together to celebrate Christ's glory. No sacrament is as blessed and sacred as the Holy Mass." He further says, "The Holy Mass (Holy Qurbana) is the participation in the body and blood of Jesus Christ."

The celebration of Holy Mass in the Catholic church is no different. Explaining its spiritual significance, Archbishop Stanislaus Fernandes, Archbishop of Gandhinagar diocese, says: "Holy mass is the memorial of the sufferings, debts and resurrection of Jesus Christ."

The Malankara Marthoma Syrian Church has an entirely different identity when compared to other churches of India. Their celebration of Holy Mass is known as Holy Communion. Fr Aji John, vicar, Bethel Marthoma Parish, Vadodara, says: "Holy Communion is participation in birth, death and crucifixion of Jesus Christ."

A source of inspiration from the life of Jesus Christ and an enriching experience is what Rincy Raju takes away from the Holy Mass. She says, "When we were children, we used to attend the Holy Mass as our parents used to take us to church. But for me now Holy Mass is where I connect to the Almighty. It prepares me in every aspect for the week ahead."   

Fr Aubrey of Catholic says, "The Holy Communion (partaking in body and blood of Jesus Christ) is a symbol of our unity with Jesus Christ. Christians attend Holy mass every Sunday from where they take back some new outlook towards life."   

Contrary to the common perception that today's youth are not active in Church, Bishop Thomas Macwan is optimistic of the younger generation. Bishop Macwan, bishop of Ahmedabad, says, "Today's youth regularly attend Holy Mass. They participate actively in activities of church and are involved in Holy Mass." 

On a concluding note, Macwan says, "If we follow the commandment 'love your neighbour as much as you love ourselves,' then peace and harmony can easily prevail on this earth. Love is the need of the hour."

Scripture readings during Holy Mass are drawn from the Old Testament as well as New Testament of the Bible, especially the gospels. Instruction is given based on these readings, called a sermon, or homily.