In this complete guide I’m going to tell you everything you need to know. I’ll give you the background around how weed metabolites work in the body, how they leave, and how quickly you can get clean.


We will cover masking the toxins, submitting a fake sample, and getting clean through accelerated detoxification. I’ll talk about methods to pass blood, urine, saliva, and hair drug testing.

I’ll also tell you what doesn’t work. The products that are popular but don’t work, and home remedies that are basically nothing more than online urban myths.

>>>>> Click Here To Buy The Best Detox Products <<<<<

How Cannabis Metabolites Work In Your Body

People think that drug metabolites get processed in the body and pass out through their urine. It’s seen as a linear process, and often people have a couple of big misconceptions:

  • A detoxification product can literally flush every toxin out fast
  • Drug metabolites all leave the body in a few days

Neither of those things are true. It’s misconceptions like these which make people complacent, and get them caught out. Thankfully, you are now not going to be one of those people.

First, there is no detox product on earth that can flush out your body quickly. If you’re looking for a quick fix to get weed out your system fast, like in 24 hours, then it’s not going to happen because it doesn’t exist.

Second, although most drug metabolites leave the body in a linear fashion, they all build up the more you use drugs and do other things that takes processing. If you’re putting anything in at a faster rate than it can be processed, then it builds up and takes longer to be eradicated.

How Long Does It Take To Get Clean After Smoking Weed?

So there’s more bad news. If you’re looking to get clean from cannabis fast, then you are not going to be clean in 24 hours, 48 hours, even 72 hours, unless you are smoking no more than a couple of joints per week.

It’s tough to give you the exact amount of time, because everyone is different. Health, fitness, the amount you smoke, the strength of the cannabis, other things your body’s using and processing, it all creates huge time variations.

Broadly though, these are the brackets:

  • 1 – 3 days very light smoker of one or two joints per week
  • 3 – 5 days moderate smoker three, four, or five joints per week
  • 4 – 7 days regular smoker more days of the week that not
  • unknown number of days to get clean for a daily weed smoker

Think I’m being melodramatic? One study found notable sporadic testing positive for the presence of cannabis in test subjects for up to 3 months after their last joint.

The Different Types Of Drug Test You Could Face

Now you know that cannabis is a real issue. If you want to get clean fast, you have to understand how the different types of drug test work, and how cannabis works within these systems.

1. Urine Drug Test

The most common type of drug test because it’s cheap and effective, urine drug testing is also the easiest to evade if you have the right strategy, even with short notice.

The strategies you have are as follows:

  • Get completely clean naturally
  • Accelerated detox with Toxin Rid pills
  • Submit a fake sample of Sub Solution or Quick Luck
  • Mask the toxins with Rescue Cleanse or Mega Clean detox drinks
  • Combo strategy of detoxification and detox drink

The strategy you use will depend on the type of drug test you are facing. Familiarize yourself with all three, and ensure you know which one you are facing:

  1. The unsupervised drug test is the most common. Nobody is watching or listening. You go behind a screen, or into different room to submit your sample. This is perfect for any of the strategies I’ve the mentioned above.
  2. Supervised drug testing is where someone will be in the room with you. Not looking directly at you, but there is a deterrent. It’s not possible to use fake urine in this situation, even though some people claim you can use synthetic urine belts, prosthetics, and other crazy systems that would be spotted a mile away.
  3. Observed drug testing is the worst and very rare. Usually, for law enforcement and probation purposes. You will have to pull down/up your clothing so they can see you have nothing strapped your body. You will then be literally observed urinating into the cup. The only way to evade this is to get clean or mask the toxins.

2. Saliva Drug Test

You need to be warned about the saliva drug test because it’s deceptively dangerous. People will tell you that saliva drug testing doesn’t detect drugs for very long, often a maximum of two days after consumption.

While that’s true, it ignores the danger, especially of cannabis, that the time can extend for as long as another two days, which is quite a long time to get caught out in.

Also, anyone can do an oral drug test with some training. It’s simply a case of rubbing the swab around the gumline, putting it into a solution, and then watching it react against panels. It can be done by the roadside, straight after an interview, at a probation hearing, or on-the-job after an accident, with suspicion, or even randomly.

Part of the problem is that you don’t even get a chance to do anything. You’ll get maybe 15 minutes notice, but you may not even be able to get out of sight to try and prepare. That’s why the only thing I really recommend is Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum. It’s just brilliantly convenient and discreet. I’ll give you a full rundown on how to use it later.

A cheaper alternative is Toxin Rid Rescue Wash. A more traditional mouthwash product, it’s still a small and discreet bottle. But you will need to be out of sight, and be able to dispose of the liquid from your mouth and the bottle in order to use it.

3. Hair Drug Test

The really bad news is that even if you get weed out of your system fast, you can’t get it out of your hair fast.

When you smoke a joint, the cannabis metabolites are in your bloodstream in minutes. Some get trapped in the hair follicles, in the skin in your scalp, and as the hair grows out, they get trapped under the hard cuticle layer that protects the hair.

The end result of this process is an indelible recording of your drug use. Although they take a sample of the whole length of hair, it’s only the most recent 90 days growth which is tested. So if you have consumed cannabis or anything else in 90 days, then you’ll be fine.

The only way around a hair drug test though is something called the Macujo method. It uses everyday products, plus the specialist shampoo called old-style Aloe Toxin Rid, to open up the cuticle layer flush out the toxins, and close up the hair again.

But this doesn’t happen in one go. You’ll have to run through the Macujo method five, six, even as many as 10 times (once or twice per day) in the run-up your test to ensure you get all of the toxins out.

4. Blood Drug Test

I really wouldn’t worry about blood testing, because it’s so rare. If you’re facing one, then it’s going to be a very specific set of circumstances that you’ll be well aware of in advance.

Drug metabolites, even weed metabolites, don’t hang around in blood long. One or two days at most. You could just stall and feign illness if possible.

If you can’t, your only strategy is to detox fast. This can be accelerated more with Toxin Rid weed detox pills, and even a 24-hour course will probably accelerate the removal of toxins from the system enough to clear the blood.

Can You Get Weed Out Of Your System Naturally?

As I’ve explained, cannabis metabolites can hang around in the body four weeks. But these tough little critters do eventually work their way out, so sure, it’s perfectly possible to detoxify completely naturally.

In fact, if you’re going to use detox pills, you can’t just pop the pills and get clean, you’re going to have to do a natural detoxification for them to work, by doing the following daily:

  • Eat small, lean, and clean meals
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day
  • Urinate and pass stools frequently
  • Cut out alcohol, drugs, and other toxins
  • Cut out sugar and sweet drinks
  • Cut out anything you know that causes heavy processing
  • Exercise and sweat at least once per day
  • Go to the sauna and sweat (a few cannabis metabolites will exit through sweat)
  • Get plenty of rest and sleep
  • Be positive and happy (lowers cortisol levels)

Doing all these things will allow your body to process the toxins it already has as fast as possible. But it can’t move things beyond the maximum natural speed eradication, and it’s not going to clean out your system in anything less than a few days, or even as long as one or two weeks, if you are smoking weed more days of the week than not.

Best THC Detox: Accelerating Your Natural Detox With High-Quality Detox Pills

The absolute best way to pass a drug test is to do a natural detox, and you can accelerate that with detox pills.

Toxin Rid is the only one I would recommend. They are literally the only ones out there specifically designed to pass a drug test in the fastest time. They aren’t cheap because of this, but they are the top specialist THC detox kit for the purpose.

Toxin Rid will speed up the removal of toxins from your body by at least 50%, and depending on who you are, by as much as 70%. Think about that. It means that if it would take you two weeks to get clean, you could be clean in less than a week.

Toxin Rid THC detox pills come in course lengths from a single day, through to 10 days in length. The shorter ones are really only useful for getting rid of as many toxins as possible, before masking the rest with a detox drink 90 minutes before your test.

The longer courses are also good for that if you are a heavy user, but can also get you clean with enough time.

If you’re a daily smoker, I would just go for the full 10 day course, or at least the 7 day course. Even if you don’t need it, you’ve got it there to use.

Using Toxin Rid is absolutely simple:

  1. Every day of the course, for the first hour you wake up, consume three pills with 8 fluid ounces of water, for a total of 15 pills per day.
  2. The rest of each day urinate frequently and follow the rules for a natural detox.
  3. On the last day, two hours after the last set of pills, mix up the detox liquid. On an empty stomach, drink half of it, fast for two hours, then repeat that process.
  4. For cannabis removal, use the optional fiber supplement. This is a potent fiber supplement that will help to draw cannabis metabolites to the bowel. The bile it creates will help to get them into the bowel and remove them.

Just make sure you use a home drug test kit before you leave, to make sure you are clean. If you’re not, use Rescue Cleanse to mask the last toxins.

Even if you can’t get completely clean, your toxin flow will be so low, that the detox drink will be able to create a gap of several hours during which you will be able to submit a clean sample.

>>>>> Click Here To Buy Toxin Rid THC Detox Kit<<<<<

How To Use A THC Detox Drink To Mask The Toxins

Whether you test negative or not just before you leave to submit your sample, after completing your natural detox accelerated with Toxin Rid drug detox pills, I’m going to suggest you use a detox drink anyway.

This is how a detox drink works:

  1. The volume of liquid flushes out the body, making you urinate and clearing out the kidneys and bladder.
  2. The ingredients in the liquid accelerate the removal of toxins faster than can be achieved naturally. This combination of volume and ingredients creates a gap in the toxin flow. It can take several hours or more toxins to be processed and passed through the kidneys into your urine.
  3. Even though you got a gap in the toxin flow into your bladder of several hours during which you can submit a clean sample, that doesn’t address the fact your sample would be diluted. That’s why a good quality detox drink like Rescue Cleanse also floods your body with things found in urine in the correct balances. Some of these are inevitably passed through as waste, and appear in your urine to keep it appearing natural.
  4. Rescue Cleanse and Mega Clean also stay in your urine the correct color, so it looks, smells, and froths like urine still.

Even if you’re clean, even if that drug test is negative, remember what I said about cannabis metabolites leaving the body at an irregular rate.

Using the detox drink heads off any of these metabolites heading towards the bladder in the next few hours, ensuring your success.

The detox drink is unlikely to do on its own for long though, unless you are a very light weed smoker. So don’t think you can use just the detox drink. Because toxins are coming out so quickly if you are a regular smoker, the gap in the toxin flow could be as little as an hour if you don’t accelerate the removal in the days leading up to your test.

Best Option For Unsupervised Drug Testing: High-Quality Synthetic Urine

Most drug tests are unsupervised, and rather than messing around with pills and drinks, the easiest thing to do is simply to smuggle in a high-quality fake sample.

The only two brands I recommend are Sub Solution and Quick Luck. I’ve used Sub Solution to pass to drug tests in the past five years.

Quick Luck is actually an evolution of Sub Solution, in that it’s ever so slightly more complex, and it’s premixed, rather than a powder like sub solution that you have to hydrate.

Most fake urine is very basic and any advance validity checking can spot it. Also, most don’t really look like urine.

Sub Solution and Quick Luck have the following key characteristics:

  • Look, froth, and smell like urine
  • Contain at least 14 chemical compounds found in urine
  • Contain the correct proportions of urea, uric acid, creatinine
  • Balanced for both pH and specific gravity

Using them is really easy because you don’t even need to heat the sample with a microwave, or try and maintain the temperature while you get to the test center using a heatpad.

They both use heat activator powder, which is the game changer and just that is worth the money you pay.

Just before you go into the building, tap in about one third. Shake it gently until it dissolves, and then watch the temperature strip carefully.

Tap in a little more necessary, until you get a reading on the temperature strip as close to 100°F as possible, but without going above that.

Then, simply tuck the sample into your underwear and go in and submit your sample. That will keep it warm. You won’t be intimately searched, and therefore it won’t be found.

Using this method, you don’t have to worry about getting weed out of your system fast, you don’t have to worry about short notice drug testing, you don’t have the 24-hour panic at all.

How To Use Oral Clear Gum To Pass A Mouth Swab Test

Oral Clear gum is definitely the best way to pass an oral drug test, even with someone standing in the room.

The problem with drug testing of this nature is the immediacy. You are on the spot, and there’s nothing you can do.

With Oral Clear, you can carry the small capsule of concentrated liquid on you. Even with somebody in the room, you can cup the capsule in your hand, cough, raise your hand your mouth, and conceal it as you put it in.

Then, split the capsule with your teeth, and move it around your mouth discreetly. Use tongue to work it into the gumline.

Try it now. Pretend you’ve got the capsule in your mouth. Look in the mirror as you do it, you’ll see it’s perfectly possible to completely conceal you are doing it, even with someone looking at you. Do it for up to 1 minute, then swallow the lot. You’ll be clean for around 15 minutes, and there’s no trace or proof that you have cheated.

Avoid Walmart, GNC, Ebay And Walgreens Detox Products

What ever you are looking for to pass a drug test, you will not find the best THC detox kits at any of these general retailers:

Walgreens, Walmart, GNC, eBay, Amazon.

The stuff they sell is awful. None of the detox pills are designed drug testing, more for ongoing natural detoxification.

They sell poor quality detox drinks, and they don’t sell fake urine that’s any good either.

Also, don’t buy them from local venues. Smoke shops, gas stations, independent retailers, they buy the cheapest rubbish possible and sell it at the highest price.

THC Detox Drinks, Pills, & Urine To Avoid (Low Quality And Risky)

These are the products you should specifically avoid. All of these have very poor recent track records as drug testing has moved on:

  • Magnum synthetic urine and detox drinks
  • Stinger detox drink range
  • Herbal Cleanse detox drink ranges (QCarbo, Ultra Eliminex)
  • Herbal Cleanse detox pills (Q Tabs/Caps)
  • Monkey Whizz range
  • Spectrum Labs (Quick Fix) synthetic urine and detox drinks
  • U Pass, Urine Luck fake urine

You’ll see a lot of good online hype about these products, because they put all their money into marketing and selling at high volume rather than quality.

Plus, because they are cheap to buy wholesale, it’s what the local stores and poor quality online retailers buy in to sell at high margin.

On top of that, the specialist products like Rescue Cleanse, Sub Solution, and Toxin Rid pills, are only sold by the companies themselves through official sites and resellers. That’s why you cannot buy them elsewhere.

Home Remedies Don’t Work

The other thing you must not believe is that home remedies will work to pass a drug test.

I’m doubtful they ever did; I think it was more an urban myth that spread online. But they may have done when drug testing was far more basic, like 20 years ago.

These are the main ones you will read about, and you must not fall for.

  1. Certo/Sure Jell Method: There is some basis of truth in this method, in that its high-fiber which draws cannabis to the bowel, and the other ingredients can restore some of the urine balance. But it doesn’t do it completely, and you will still have toxins in your body and an unnatural sample.
  2. Niacin: Niacin is simply a concentrated version of vitamin B3 that’s used for certain medical conditions. It’s an absolute lie that it can pass a drug test. In fact, people have had to go to hospital due to toxicity issues at high doses of this, because they believed the nonsense about it passing a drug test.
  3. Palo Azul Tea: No tea will flush out drug toxins to pass a drug test. I’m pretty sure in the cold light of day you, most other people, simply wouldn’t believe it anyway. Nothing non-specialist you drink can flush out drug toxins and maintain the balance in your urine.
  4. Cranberry Juice: This is absolutely brilliant as a diuretic and for helping with urinary tract infections. It’s because of this that people somehow think it can help a drug test. The truth is it can’t. The only thing that will work is a good quality detox drink like Rescue Cleanse or Mega Clean.

Only Buy Drug Test Detox Products From Test Clear And Test Negative (Clear Choice)

All of the products I’ve talked about here are available from to specialist online retailers, and you won’t get them legitimately anywhere else.

If you’re looking for the best THC detox kit, whether it’s a single product, or a combination detox kit for a drug test, whether at short notice and you need it fast, or you got more time, then these are the products you should be looking at.

>>>>> Click Here To Visit TestNegative (Rescue Cleanse, Synthetic Urine, Oral Clear) <<<<<

>>>>> Click Here To Visit TestClear (Toxin Rid, Mega Clean, Aloe Rid Shampoo) <<<<<

Both of these fantastic sellers, who have been leading the way for more than two decades, also sell good quality home drug test kits.

Put all that together, and it’s perfectly possible to put together the best THC detox kit for any situation.

Even if you haven’t got much time, for hair, urine and oral drug testing, you now have the products and the methods you need to ensure that you can react fast to those situations when you know you have weed in your system.

(This article is part of DMCL Consumer Connect Initiative, a paid publication programme. DMCL claims no editorial involvement and assumes no responsibility, liability or claims for any errors or omissions in the content of the article. The DMCL Editorial team is not responsible for this content.)