NEW DELHI: Ahead of IAEA report to the UN Security Council on Iran nuclear issue, India on Tuesday warned that confrontation or use of force against Tehran could only exacerbate tensions and should be avoided at all costs.

The US and its European allies have been stepping up demands for economic sanctions against Iran. Washington has spoken about use of force against it.

"Confrontation or the threat or use of force can only exacerbate tensions in a region which is of vital importance to India, and must therefore be avoided at all costs," an External Affairs Ministry spokesperson said when asked about India's position on reports that there may be use of force or sanctions against Iran.

The International Atomic Energy Agency is slated to submit its report on Iran's compliance with its non- proliferation commitments to the Security Council on April 28. Maintaining that Iran has the right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purpose, the spokesperson said this must
be consistent with international commitments and obligations.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - facing the Friday UN deadline to stop uranium enrichment - warned he was thinking about dropping out of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.

The US, Britain and France allege that Iran wants to use enriched uranium for nuclear weapons, not just for peaceful purposes. Iran denies the charge but Washington has been pressing fellow members of the Security Council to impose tough economic sanctions against Iran.

Iran to suspend ties with IAEA if attacked