Technical glitches did not allow Agrasen Social Group’s tech-savvy plans of letting prospective grooms and bride have a live interaction through video chat during the matchmaking convention that started on Sunday.The below par internet speed did not allow video chat to take place in the evening.The group had decided to take a step towards technical advancements and had planned to let boys and girls based outside Indore participate in the function through video chat.  The matchmaking convention started in the afternoon on Sunday amid overwhelming response from the prospective couples and their families. Looking at the huge crowd in daytime, the organisers decided to keep the video chat interaction reserved for evening.However, the plans of the organisers fell flat as video chat could not kickoff. “The internet speed was slow and it could comply with the video conferencing,” said Rajendra Kumar Gupta who takes care of the technical advancements undertaken by the group.He claimed that the video chat would be arranged on Monday so that the boys and girls participating in the function could interact with their counterparts who could not make it to the event.“We would compile all the data related to the registered boys and girls online and would convert it into PDF format after the event,” Gupta said while discussing plans of the group.The three-day event has received more than 1200 entries from community boys and girls including around 125 from those who are based in other states and overseas.Technical glitch at the eventAgrasen Social Group had decided to take a step towards technical advancements and had planned to let boys and girls based outside Indore participate in the function through video chat but below par internet speed did not allow video chat to take place.