Madhya Pradesh IAS Officers Association has demanded a 'proper probe' and 'stern action' against those responsible for the killing of IPS officer, Narendra Kumar Singh."Judicial enquiry has been ordered into the case by the Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and we have also demanded that a proper enquiry should be made and stern action taken in the matter," the Association President Aruna Sharma told PTI.When asked about the demand for a CBI probe raised by the slain officer's wife, Madhurani Tewatia, who is also an IAS officer posted at Gwalior, Sharma said, "no comment on that as judicial enquiry has already been ordered."Meanwhile, Madhya Pradesh IPS Officers Association has expressed concern over the rising number of incidents of assault on police officials in the state."The rising incidents of assaults on the police officials is a matter of concern," MP IPS Officers Association President, VK Singh told PTI.When asked about the demand for handing over the probe into IPS officer's killing to the CBI, Singh said, "since judicial enquiry has been ordered, it's difficult to say anything about it.""The Association will take a call on it in case some new facts about the incident came to light after the probe," he said adding till now the Association has not taken any stand on the demand.The young officer was allegedly murdered when he forced to stop a tractor-trolley carrying illegally mined stones and in the process got crushed under it on March 8.