Terming Syed Mohd Ahmed Kazmi's arrest as the latest instance of innocent Muslims being held in terror cases, a noted Shia scholar on Saturday said members of the community will stage a march in Lucknow on March 23 and lay siege to Parliament on March 26 to protest the move."In protest against the arrest of the senior scribe, a protest march would be taken out from the Asifi imambara to the Shaheed Smarak here after the Friday prayers next week after which on March 26 Parliament would be gheraoed", member of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board and noted Shia scholar Maulana Kalbe Jawwad told newspersons here.He alleged that Kazmi's arrest was the latest in the series of arrests of innocent Muslims in cases of terrorism which according to him had been going on in the country for the past 20 years.Kazmi was arrested by the Delhi Police in connection with the bomb attack on an Israeli embassy car in the national capital last month.Alleging that Delhi police chief Brijesh Kumar Gupta had been acting at the behest of Israeli intelligence agencies, Jawwad demanded CBI inquiry into his assets.Jamiyat Ulma-e-Hind, Jamat-e-Islami Hind and Maulana Azad Foundation among other Muslim organisation have protested the arrest.