Union Minister and senior BJP leader Venkaiah Naidu today termed as 'stunning' the revelations of former Congress Minister Jayanthi Natarajan, holding that they vindicated his party's charge that an extra-constitutional authority functioned under the UPA regime.


Seizing on Natarajan's letter to AICC President Sonia Gandhi and her subsequent statements, Naidu said that the Congress owed an explanation to the country as to how it allowed this extra-constitutional authority to function.

"She has confirmed our worst fears and public perception that Congress party leadership was working as an extra-constitutional authority during the UPA regime and were enjoying power without responsibility," he said.

Moreover, there was credence to Natarajan's revelation because on an earlier occasion, there was an incident in which Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi tore up an ordinance in full media glare and had said it was worth to be put in a dust bin. "And after four days of the incident, the ordinance was put in the dustbin," the Union Urban Development Minister said.Congress was trying to cover up the statement of Natarajan by raising allegation against her, Naidu said.

As stated by Union Finance and Environment Ministers, all environment clearances given and denied during the UPA regime would be enquired into, he said.

Referring to Congress leaders' contention that Natarajan was removed because of corruption, Naidu sought to know if that were the case, why Congress had not taken action against her."I do not know. If that is true, why Congress party has not taken any action against her?. Simply asking somebody to resign from the Ministry was suffice?".

"The revelations also exposed the fact that Manmohan Singh's Government was remote controlled. All the decisions during UPA regime needs to be thoroughly investigated", Naidu said adding, "I used to say - In UPA Government, PM Presides, Madam Decides, and I am proved right."