Welcoming the 8-point formula announced by the Centre, Jammu & Kashmir government has appealed to the separatists to come forward for dialogue to find a lasting solution to the Kashmir problem."We call upon all the parties especially the separatists to come forward for dialogue so that lasting solution can be found and the state progresses ahead", the minister for rural development Ali Mohammad Sagar told a gathering in Reasi, 75 kms from Jammu last evening.The minister asked all the parties to take into account problems faced by the common man and then effectively participate in the dialogue process.Appreciating the efforts of the chief minister, Sagar said that he has always advocated the involvement of all the parties in finding a lasting solution to the issue.He said that the government has already stated that they would facilitate the dialogue process and welcome any initiative announced by the Centre.The minister said that government is committed to equitable development of all areas and peace is pre-requisite to make much needed headway in the development process.