Senior JMM leader Champai Soren today said there was no change in their stand with regard to formation of government in Jharkhand though the party has authorised JMM supremo and Jharkhand chief minister, Shibu Soren to take decision on the issue."No, there is no change in our stand. We still want Guruji (Sibu Soren) to continue as chief minister of Jharkhand as there is no need to oust him midway", Champai Soren, MLA and senior vice-president of the party said.   All the JMM MLAs were together and wanted Guruji to remain as chief minister, Champai Soren told PTI when asked whether JMM would accept BJP to take over the charge particularly after the recent development.   BJP leadership had yesterday authorised party general secretary and former Jharkhand chief minister, Arjun Munda, to talk to coalition partners in regard with formation of government in Jharkhand.