Bollywood filmmaker Karim Morani, also a 2G case accused, was on Friday exempted by a Delhi court from personal appearance before it for three days to enable him manage the Indian Premier League (IPL) events for Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) team.The court allowed Cineyug Films Pvt Ltd Director Morani's plea, seeking exemption from personal appearance for himself on the ground that his firm has been managing KKR's IPL events since last year and this year too they would do so and as the "big event" is scheduled to commence from April 4, for which a meeting has been convened on April 2."Exemption from personal appearance is allowed for April 2, 3 and 4," Special CBI Judge OP Saini said, asking Morani's counsel to remain present and participate in the court proceedings during the trial.During the arguments, Morani's counsel Sandeep Kapoor said meeting for managing the events for KKR team during the IPL would be held on April 2 and presence of Morani, presently on bail, was required there."The meeting is scheduled for April 2 and I (Morani) am praying for exemption from personal appearance for genuine reason. Morani's presence is required in the meeting and the schedule for this has been fixed in advance."For the first time, I (Morani) am asking for exemption for business purposes as this (IPL) is a big event and I am managing it since past," Kapoor said.