Karnataka Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy after casting his vote Thursday said that only because of dynasty & regional politics, this country has developed in several states. Kumaraswamy who cast his vote along with his wife Anitha Kumaraswamy and son, said that he is not bothered about the criticism from the BJP and that the results of Karnataka election will play a more role nationally. 


Further slamming PM Modi, Kumaraswamy said that due to this (PM criticising dynastic politics) Narendra Modi has lost in the Karnataka politics. Except for the BJP, other parties are going to form the government after results.

Kumaraswamy also spoke on the Sumalatha issue and said that the local media try to create euphoria about Sumanlatha (multilingual South India actor) who is contesting election as an independent candidate against his son Nikhil Gowda in Mandya constituency.  

Kumaraswamy's father and former Prime Minister HD Deve Gowda and his wife also cast their vote at a polling station in Hassan's Paduvalahippe. 

The second phase polling in 95 constituencies across 11 states and 1 union territory is being held today. Election in the first phase of Lok Sabha polls was held on April 11 while the remaining 5 phase will vote on — 3rd phase April 23, 4th phase April 29, 5th phase May 6, 6th phase on May 12 and 7th phase May 19. The counting of votes will take place on May 23.