Kolkata's eminent Muslim citizens write to West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee urging her to not shield accused belonging to the Muslim community.


This letter to Banerjee comes in the backdrop of two controversial incidents of Kolkata – attack on junior doctors of NRS and harassment of former Miss India, where the perpetrators belonged to the Muslim community.

The letter reads, "We are Muslims living in Kolkata for decades. We have been deeply concerned with two events that occurred recently – the attack on doctors and the attack on actor. The attackers in both the cases were members of our community – Muslims. We are aggrieved and embarrassed."

Mudar Patherya, one of those few who have written the letter was of the opinion that the present day government views the community only as a vote bank and tries to appease the Muslims. "Actual empowerment or the development of the community has not taken place. Irrespective of parties ruling the state, they have viewed the community merely as a vote bank," said Patherya.

As a part of corrective measures, Kolkata's Muslims have suggested two things – one – bring the assailants to book, not just in these two cases but every single instance where Muslims are involved. They should not be allowed to get away scot-free because they happened to be Muslims. This will send out a message that members of one community are not being shielded or appeased.

Secondly, it would be good to engage in or encourage engagements with Muslim youth and their families across Kolkata in the area of gender sensitisation, civic consciousness and law compliance. This could require a long term patience but would be need to be implemented right away.

On the other hand, the ruling party in the state - Trinamool Congress saw red and came down heavily on the issue of the letter.

Trinamool Congress' minority cell chairman, Siddiqullah Chowdhury said, "This is completely wrong and they do not have a local standing to issue such letters. One should not write such letters. If one feels the need to communicate, they must engage in a dialogue with the ministers with the matter concerning them. These letters will serve no purpose."