The Samajwadi Party is on the lookout for a "Krishna-like saarthi" to replace Amar Singh who had been calling the shots all this while, a senior party leader said here today."The Pandavas won all battles as they were pursuing the path of truth as is the case with the Samajwadi Party, which is truthfully waging a war against the corruption and atrocities of the Bahujan Samaj party (BSP) government, and it can win it with a little help from Krishna-like saarthi", leader of opposition in Uttar Pradesh assembly and senior party leader Shivpal Singh Yadav told news persons to a question on Amar Singh's comments that the Samajwadi Party is the party of "Pandavas".On Amar Singh taking up the cause of smaller states against the party policy, Yadav without elaborating said his party has been clear in opposing further division of Uttar Pradesh.Senior party leader Ambika Chaudhary who was also present without taking names said that those who have to go against the party line should do so by quitting it."Uttar Pradesh's political strength is in its size and population and its further division would undermine it", Chaudhary added.