Motivational Guru and Network Marketing expert Mr. Somanshu Gaur shares that he transformed his life from a middle-class student to a successful entrepreneur by majorly implementing this one skill of speaking.


“Not everyone understands the need for a Strong public speaking skill that will set you apart and make you feel more confident within your industry.” Mr. Somanshu Gaur says that the best part is the infused leadership ability that will set your career ahead.

Let’s hear it from the legendary public speaker himself about how public speaking as a skill can help you grow.

Public speaking offers one of the most effective ways to get your point across, demonstrate your knowledge, and influence others, but public speaking skill is registered as the biggest fear factor for the majority of people. By overcoming this fear, one can unleash the advantages that this mystical skill has to offer. With constant practice, one can gain confidence to decode Public Speaking.

Here are a few Ways So Life Coach Somanshu Gaur shared to Improve Public Speaking Skills-

Know Your Audience

Take the time to understand your audience even before you plan your presentation. You must tailor every speech according to your audience. Analyse what is important to your audience and what they are most likely to find useful.

Prepare Key Talking Points

Before you give any speech, prepare a series of talking points that summarise the key messages you want your audience to recognize, feel, and understand. Preparing for your oration more than once will boost your confidence.

Practice Voice and Breath Control

For many people, public speaking can warp their sense of time, making them speak faster than they normally would. Be aware of this phenomenon and keep a steady pace while presenting. It will help calm your nerves and allow the audience to better understand what you say. Before you begin public speaking, take 10 slow, deep breaths. Do not rush, speak with significant pauses.

Relax Your Body Language

Good body language improves your performance and helps the audience take in and remember what you say. Avoid putting your hands in your pockets or crossing your arms. Instead, start with your arms at your side and use purposeful hand gestures. The fear involved in public speaking can make you feel tense, which negatively affects your body language.

The best public speakers maintain proper posture, make eye contact with the audience, and move in ways that look natural.

Look out into the audience. Don't stare down at the ground or your notes for long periods. As you build confidence, you may even start to make eye contact with individual people watching your presentation.

Add a Visual Aid

A visual aid, such as a PowerPoint presentation, can help you make your key points while better engaging the audience. Create slides that feature graphs and images that reflect your points.

Observe Great Public Speakers

Watching and learning from exceptional speakers offers one of the best ways to improve your own public speaking skills. When you watch these individuals, take note of their body language. Pay particular attention to how speakers pace themselves. How they take pauses and deliver their part.

Record Your Speeches

Record your public speaking performances on camera so you can go back and watch yourself. Examine your body language, how your voice sounds, and your pacing. Even the best speakers do this on a regular basis and often find ways they can improve their public speaking skills

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