Women's rights activists who have moved the Supreme Court on the issue of triple talaq say linking the demand to ban the practice with Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is "harmful" for Muslim women.


"It is harmful for Muslim women that every time we talk about the need to abolish triple talaq the issue of UCC is imposed on us and we go on to debating the issue which will apply to the entire country," said Noorjehan Safia Niaz from Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan.

"The UCC confuses the debate (about gender equality among Muslims) and the Muslim ulemas begin to perpetuate the bogey of fear in the community," added BMMA's Zakia Soman.

The activists also reiterated their demand for codification of Muslim personal law based on Quran.

"For Muslim women it is important that the Muslim personal law is codified and it is enacted by Parliament in consonance with Quranic values of equality and justice and we are able to lead a life of dignity," said Noorjehan.

Once the apex court gives its decision on triple talaq BMMA plans to mobilise support among Parliamentarians for such a law.

(This article has not been edited by DNA's editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)