Lok Sabha speaker Meira Kumar today favoured a consensus on the contentious Women's Reservation Bill before it is introduced in the lower House of Parliament."There has to be a consensus about that for which they (the parties) are trying. Let us see what happens," she told reporters on the sidelines of the Accountants General Conference.The Constitution amendment bill, which provides for 33% reservation for women in Lok Sabha and Assemblies, has been passed by the Rajya Sabha. It, however, could not be introduced in the Lok Sabha because of stiff opposition by parties like SP, RJD and JD(U).Asked how she would handle the situation in the Lok Sabha if pandemonium persists over the Bill, the speaker emphasised the need for a "consensus first" among all parties on the Bill."When it comes to the House after a consensus, I will handle it," she said. 


Kumar's comments came at a time when the government was holding an all-party meeting to end the deadlock over thebill.