West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee today said she would visit north Bengal to assess the damage caused by the powerful earthquake even as the death toll in the state rose to six."Six people have died in different areas of north Bengal. I am going to assess the situation caused by the earthquake," Banerjee said.The chief minister said she would go to Kurseong in Darjeeling district and monitor the situation."I have already sent Industry Minister Partha Chatterjee and North Bengal Affairs Minister Gautam Deb to Kurseong. DM and SP of Darjeeling are also there. After assessing the situation, we will decide the next course of action," she said.Banerjee said while helicopters have been kept ready for movement of health and disaster management personnel, they could not proceed to Sikkim due to bad weather.Efforts were on to repair the damages to NH-31A and NH-55 by landslide on war-footing, she said, adding a compensation of Rs2 lakh each for the next of kin of every victim will be given."Since the relief materials for Sikkim were being routed through Bagdogra airport in West Bengal, we will monitor and coordinate the movement of those materials as we also have a responsibility," Banerjee said.