A 30-year-old man was allegedly abused and thrashed for sporting a moustache in Madhya Pradesh's Indore, police said on Wednesday. The man, Ravi Tirodia (30), lodged a complaint at Malharganj police station in connection with the incident that occurred late on Tuesday night, a police officer said.


The accused in the case, Bunty Godha, his brother Naveen Godha and an accomplice Tarachand alias Bam, were agitated over Tirodia's moustache, and used abusive words against him, the policeman said quoting the complaint. When Tirodia opposed the abused hurled at him, one of the accused thrashed him with a stick, he said.

"When Tirodia raised an alarm, two of his brothers reached the spot and intervened, following which the accused fled after threatening the victim," officer said. He said that the police is investigating the matter in detail and the accused have not been arrested so far.

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