Accusing Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati of violating basic democratic norms by accepting currency garlands, BJP today said if Congress was serious in its criticism of the BSP chief, then it should refuse the support extended by her to the UPA government."On the one hand the state Government has said it has no money to pay as compensation to the next of kin of those killed in a stampede at Kripalu Maharaj's ashram, and on the other several crores are being spent to organise rallies to mark BSP's 25 years," BJP chief spokesperson Ravi Shankar Prasad told reporters here.    If Congress was serious in its criticism of the BSP chief, then it should announce that it did not require the support extended by BSP to the ruling alliance at the Centre, he said.    "Today once again Mayawati received a garland with currency worth Rs 18 lakh and said she would continue to receive such gifts. This is a violation of basic norms of democracy where accountability is an important feature. If she really cares for the Dalits, then the money should be spent on their education, health and development. UP is one of the states where the state of Dalits is very bad," he said.Taking a dig at the BSP leader, Prasad charged that besides dethroned Iraq President Saddam Hussein, Mayawati was the only living leader with her "life size statues" installed at various places.      In a show of defiance ignoring all criticism, Mayawati today got herself garlanded with currency notes said to be of the value of Rs18 lakh. On Monday, a garland made out of currency notes of value estimated between Rs21 lakh and Rs15 crore was presented to her at a massive rally in Lucknow.